<마음의 불꽃 / Mind like fire>, 48 x 72 cm, 한지에 먹 / ink on paper, 2018
6th Solo Exhibition
마음의 불꽃 | Mind like Fire
August 4 - September 8, 2018
Art Projects Gallery, Hong Kong (www.artprojectsasia.com)
Curator: Ang Tan
+852 2523 5688
Unit 17A, 17/F Regency Centre Phase 2
43 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong
Artist’s statement
내 마음속 불길이 꺼질 줄을 모릅니다. 불꽃이 춤출 때마다 당신과 나의 무수히 많은 그림자가 마음을 산란시킵니다. 그 불을 끄는 방법을 알 수 없기에 나는 불붙은 마음을 단 채 멀리멀리 달아납니다. 내 영혼 이 살아있는 한, 이 불꽃은 영원히 꺼지지 않을 것을 잘 알기에, 또 언제고 그것에 매료되고 말 것을 알기에, 나는 그저 멀리 달아납니다. 누구도 이 불에 데지 않기를 바라며.
I can't stop the fire inside me. Every time the flame dances, countless shadows of you and me disturb my mind. I don't know how to put out the fire, so I run away with it, hoping no one will be harmed by the fire. As long as I exist, I know that this flame will never go out. I know I will be fascinated by the flame again, so I'm leaving and will live with the mind like fire.
Gallery Introduction
Art Projects Gallery is proud to present Daehyun Kim’s solo exhibition, “Mind Like Fire”. Based in Seoul, Kim was trained in the traditional painting techniques of Korean Art and studied East Asian Art History, graduating with a BFA in Oriental Painting from the Hongik University. Having exhibited widely in solo and group exhibitions in South Korea and internationally including New York, Miami, Paris, London, Bangkok, Singapore, Oslo and Romania, this is Kim’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong.
Finding the balance between the traditional East Asian art with contemporary life has always been an key interest in his art explorations and he often drew insights and inspirations from his own life experiences, and his inner thoughts and feelings. The visual expressions of these inner reflections and the desire to share them with his audience sparked off the beginnings of his series of “Moonassi drawings” that he started since 2008. In Korean language, the words forming “Moonassi” primarily came from two characters “Moon” meaning emptiness or void, and “Na” meaning ego or the conscious “I”. Together, the word “Moonassi” represent an empty ego that has the limitless ability to contain anything and anyone’s mind.
The solo exhibition “Mind Like Fire” is a continuation of his Moonassi series – that is becoming his lifetime project - featuring his latest ink of Korean paper works. “Mind Like Fire” showcases Kim’s skill in interweaving a contemporary narrative of poetry and philosophy with his strong foundation in traditional brush painting, to create refreshing and insightful works.
“我無法克制我內心的火焰。每當火焰起舞時,你和我的無數陰影都會擾亂我的思緒。我不知道如何把火撲滅,是能帶著它一起逃跑,希望沒有人會被這火灼傷。只要我還存在,我知道這火焰就永遠不會消失。我知道我會再次為這火焰所著迷,所以我離開,有如心如熾火般的活著。” 藝術家Daehyun Kim(moonassi) 自述。
藝途畫廊榮幸舉辦韓國藝術家Daehyun Kim在香港的首度個展《心如熾火》。定居韓國首爾,Daehyun受教於韓國傳統藝術繪畫技巧,並專研東亞藝術史,於2009年畢業於弘益大學,獲東方繪畫藝術學士學位。Daehyun的作品曾多次在南韓和世界其它地區展出,包括紐約、邁阿密、巴黎、倫敦、曼谷、新加坡、奧斯陸及羅馬尼亞。是次展覽是Daehyun在香港的首度個展。
在傳統東亞藝術與現代生活之間尋找平衡一直是他對藝術探索所關注的領域。他經常從自己的人生經歷、內心的思想和感受中吸取見解和靈感。這些內心反思的視覺表達以及與觀眾分享這些內容的願望引發了他自2008年以來開始至今的一系列“Moonassi繪畫作品”. “Moonassi”這個詞,在韓語中主要來自兩個字符,“moon”是“空”的意思;而“na”意味著自我或自我意識。“Moonassi”這個詞代表了一個空洞的自我,它具有無限的能力來容納任何東西和任何人的思想。
是次展覽《心如熾火》是藝術家的Moonassi系列作品的延續 , 亦也成為了他一生的項目,以水墨和韓國紙本為創作特色。《心如熾火》展示了Daehyun Kim將當代詩歌和哲學敘事在其深厚的傳統毛筆繪畫技巧的基礎下,創造出一系列令人耳目一新及富有刻見解作品的作品。
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